Earth Day is a movements initiated in 1970 by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. It has become a global event celebrated by countries around the world.
Most countries celebrate Earth Day on April 22, but the United Nations have their own in March. However, many countries before the same day, a week of ecosystems awareness and the promotion of the environment.
Earth Day aims to promote environmentally friendly living and promotion of initiatives such as recycling, energy efficiency and waste reduction. And this year is celebrating its 40th anniversary and expects to be the largest party in the history of the day.
Worldwide all types of initiatives and programs are carried out to promote eco ideas to use, events and pop concerts of great mass and recycling projects. An estimated one billion people will be involved in some aspect of the celebration of Earth Day.
earth day,
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The last 3 decades were the warmest in the period history. This is mainly due to human activities asked the strength of carbon emissions into the air. As a result, the air warms, weather patterns change drastically, and the natural cycle of the environment is disrupted. , All in all, this is called global warming.
Global warming has caused debates in the last 20 years, But recently, when everyone can experience first hand the effects of this phenomenon, we are beginning to take actions.
In 2007, an event called “Earth Hour began in Sydney, Australia. Sponsored by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), time on Earth is held every last Saturday of March calling on all households and businesses to close non-essential lights and other appliances for 60 minutes. This is to raise awareness of people the effects of climate change and the realities of warming. Several nations, followed by Sydney , Conducting Earth Hour takes it as an annual event. So switch off your light for 60 minutes today beginning 8pm.
earth hour,

let’s conserve the environment to save the sumatran rhino.
what we can do to help?
some of the best ways of conserving the environment are:
* reducing and reusing non bio-degradable products.
* recycling bio-degradable items such as paper and plastic.
* conserving electricity by using energy-saving bulbs.
* making sure we do not waste water.