Sell Out! The first-ever Malaysian feature comedy film to win an award from the Venice Film Festival last August.
How cool is that!
Truely a Malaysia Boleh!

Her name is Rafflesia Pong (Rafflesia=largest flower in the world, which reeks of animal carcass; Pong=stink). She’s a bottom-ranking arts show host who’s disillusioned with “those over-rated underachievers we call artists.” He’s Eric Tan (Eric=Eric, Tan=typical Chinese surname), a product designer who’s just about to learn that it doesn’t pay to be creative. They both work for FONY, a multinational conglomerate whose mission statement, copied from a Taiwanese company, is to be original. In the face of such pressure, will Eric and Rafflesia retain their artistic integrity or will they finally sell out to fame, fortune or some other nasty thing that also starts with “F”?

1. Jerrica Lai as Rafflesia Pong
2. Peter Davis as Eric Tan
3. Kee Thuan Chye as The Smoking CEO
4. Lim Teik Leong as The Forgetful CEO
5. Lee Szu Hung as Tony
6. Wong Wai Hoong as Yew Fai, the cameraman
7. Hannah Lo as Hannah Edwards Leong
read more : yoyooh.com ; www.sellout-themovie.com
Coming to Malaysia local cinema screens on 7 May 2009
sell out

With yet a long way to go until June, the wheels of the campaign for what is poised to become this summer’s blockbuster, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” have already been put into motion. After the shots we got to see a few days back, we now have the first teaser poster for the much hyped sequel, courtesy of Yahoo!.
Of course, this being a teaser poster, not much can be said on the subject, except that it’s what it is and nothing more. However, it is pretty clear that what the movie studio will be attempting with this second installment of the successful “Transformers” franchise is to play more on the dark side of the story we once knew. Judging only by the teaser and what we already got to see in other shots, the sequel will presumably be more somber than the first film, more threatening and double as explosive – literally. …read more