I would like to share how you can save RM3 a month from your Celcom Broadband Billing.
That is about RM36 a year (RM3 x 12 months). It is not much but at least you can definitely save.
Celcom is charging you RM3 per billing for Itemised Billing. If you are a Celcom Broadband subscriber (Data only) you will not need the itemised billing.
Therefore, the trick is to change your Billing Type from Itemised Billing to Summary Billing.
Here are the steps: (Click for bigger image)

Step 2: Log In using your mobile no and password (if you don't have one, "Click Sign Up Now" and register)
congratulations, now you are done!
now your billing type have been changed from itemised billing to summary billing. and you are saving RM3 a month!
now go share with your friend this tips! sharing is caring.
ps.: imagine how big Celcom profits earned from this method!