To all the “kipas-susah-nak-mati” (die-hard-fan) of the Astro’s Akademi Fantasia 7 (AF7).
Here is a widget for you developed by PaanMFR that monitor in real-time of the vote count’s percentage of AF7’s students. He also the developer for other widgets such as Hijriah Widget and JusRadio HotSeat Widget.
Here is the screenshot of the widget.
To install the widget to your sidebar just copy and paste this code into your sidebar:
<script src=""></script>
To highlight your favourite student:
<script src=""></script>
*replace the namapelajar with your favourite student’s name. Ex.: hafiz
*replace the FF0000 with HTML colour code of your choice (without #)
There is also available for MySpace widget add-ons or non flash supported site.
For more detail visit Paan's Widget Afundi Terkini AF7
Credit to PaanMFR